The IUP Journal of Genetics & Evolution |
Abstract |
In general, the insecticide treated plots performed significantly better than control for all the parameters against pink bollworm. Pink bollworm larval population on bolls was significantly less on all the treated plots than control. Three days after treatment, minimum number of larvae was recorded in novaluron, thiodicarb and spinosad as against the higher number of larvae registered in NSKE. Significantly, the highest number of larvae per 20 bolls was observed in control. However, the same trend was followed even at seven days after treatment also. Pink bollworm damage on green bolls was significantly less on all the treated plots than control. Three days after treatment, lowest green boll damage was recorded in thiodicarb, spinosad and lambda cyhalothrin, whereas the highest green boll damage was registered in control and was significantly different from NSKE. Seven days after treatment, the same trend was followed. Significantly, higher numberof Good Opened Bolls (GOBs) were recorded inspinosad, novaluron, indoxacarb, thiodicarb andlambda cyhalothrin than control, whereas minimum GOBs per plant were recorded in NSKE. Among the treatments, minimum Bad Opened Bolls (BOBs) per plant were recorded in spinosad, novaluron and thiodicarb, as against the higher number of BOBs per plant recorded in NSKE. Locule damage due to pink bollworm was significantly less in treated plots, viz., spinosad, thiodicarb and indoxacarb than control. Maximum locule damage was registered in NSKE, but significantly different over control. Significantly higher yield of seed cotton was recorded in spinosad (1935.20 kg/ha) and indoxacarb (1909.83 kg/ha), followed by thiodicarb (1890.10 kg/ha), novaluron (1866.73 kg/ ha) and lambda cyhalothrin (1802.17 kg/ha) than control (968.60 kg/ha), whereas NSKE recorded lower seed cotton yield (1507.27 kg/ha). |
Description |
Cotton is one of the most important commercial crops supporting millions of people
engaged in cotton cultivation, marketing, textile industry, garment making and exporting etc.
About 130 different species of insects and mites are reported to cause damage to
cotton crop in India (Agarwal et al., 1984). Among the array of insects, the bollworms
viz., American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), spiny bollworm, Earias insulana
(Boisdual), spotted bollworm, Earias vittella (Fabricius) and pink bollworm, Pectinophora
gossypiella (Saunders), pose greater threat to cotton production. Among the bollworms,
pink bollworm is posing serious challenge with the destructive larval stage usually secluded
within the cotton fruiting bodies and not accessible to traditional control measures
including insecticide sprayings. In most cases, the presence of pink bollworm is not
realized and the magnitude of the seriousness of the pest is grossly underestimated.
Management of insect pests through synthetic insecticides was practiced and regarded
as a boon in green revolution era. Sole reliance on insecticides, particularly pyrethroids,
has caused an imbalance in the agroecosystem creating resistance and resurgence problems,
warranting alternate control measures. On an average, farmers in the state as well as in
other regions apply six to eight rounds of insecticides in rainfed situation and 12 to 18
rounds in irrigated situations to manage insect pests on cotton (Kulkarni et al., 2003).
Out of this, 80% of the insecticides applied is targeted against bollworms alone. As a
must strategy, an alternative approach to the insecticides like inserting of foreign gene
through genetic engineering and evolving transgenic cotton is also considered to be an
important milestone for the management of major pests, particularly bollworms without
inimical effects on ecosystem.
Keywords |
Genetics & Evolution Journal, CEL-I Endonuclease, Heterozygous Mutants, Homozygous Mutants, Biological Processes, Plant Mutants, Solanum Lycopersicon, Microcentrifuge Tubes, Homozygous Plants, Plant Genes, Cross Pollination, Heteroduplex Formation. |